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Discuss on the overall roll out plan

It is important to understand the customer’s expectation/ key areas and build your roll out plan accordingly. Most of the customers have this habit of running the road before even walking. In such cases it makes all the more critical to understand and convince the customer and align the roll out plan as per the key needs. Project management becomes important in such aspects for several reasons. It helps in organizing the chaos, manage risk, quality, integration and change management. It also helps in clearing issues and also assists in following the approach of learning from failure. E.g. – In case the customer is expecting a speedy roll out; you may pick up low hanging fruits first. Modules which are fairly simple can be delivered first buying out time for the complex ones.

Based on the customer plan of action, the project delivery can be divided into single/ multiple phases. Although either of the approaches are fine however following are a few nuances which you need to be aware of before deciding on the roll out plan:

A sample project plan consisting of the list of activities has been shared below.